Resources for CNOC MEMBERS
Covid-19 is changing the way Canadians live, work and play. With social isolation the new norm, it is putting increasing pressure on CNOC members and their business operations.
What are my responsibilities during the crisis?
What are other Canadian business doing?
This page is an aggregation of both government and private-sector resources that will direct you to the answers of those questions.
In particular, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) has developed the best COVID-19 toolkit for Canadian businesses and CNOC is sharing some of its excellent resources.
CNOC asks Minister Bains for ISP relief during COVID-19
Canadian Network Operators Consortium (CNOC) wrote to Minister of Science and Industry, Minister Navdeep Bains asking for assistance concerning increased capacity as well as a guarantee on receivables. Read the letter here.
CNOC writes to incumbents asking for co-operation during COVID-19
(CNOC) penned a letter to all incumbents asking for co-operation during the COVID-19 crisis.
Example of letter to all incumbents, sent to Bell
ISP associations ask OTT providers to reduce bitrates
Canadian Network Operators Consortium (CNOC) joined a number of associations in asking OTT providers to reduce bitrates to ease traffic congestion. Read the letter here.
Independent ISPs provide essential services, say associations
Canadian Network Operators Consortium (CNOC) joined CCSA, ITPA, BCBA and CanWisp in co-signing a letter to Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, Bill Blair to ensure communications is defined as an essential service.Read the letter here.
Government introduces Canada Emergency Response Benefit to help workers and businesses
To support workers and help businesses keep their employees, the federal government has proposed legislation to establish the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). This taxable benefit would provide $2,000 a month for up to four months for workers who lose their income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more...
Federal Government help for Canadian businesses during Covid-19 - ISED
BDC: How to develop a business continuity plan
Work-Sharing Program: Temporary special measures
Employment Insurance (EI): COVID-19 relief programs
Employment and Social Development Canada: (COVID-19)
Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC): Support for entrepreneurs impacted by the COVID-19 coronavirus
Public Health: COVID-19 subscription for Public Health Updates
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (USA): Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Source: CFIB
1) Business is slow and I don't have enough work for my employees, what can I do?
A: Unfortunately, this is likely to be the case for many businesses. The government has pledged $10 billion in a credit facility administered by the Business Development Bank of Canada and Export Development Canada. There are also steps you can take to determine you business’ future. Click here to find out more...
2) My employees cannot work because schools and day cares are closed. What should I do?
If working from home is an option, you should consider it. If it is not possible, ask them if they want to take their vacation. If they don’t wish to take their vacation, then you will need to file an ROE. Use either Code E for Quit, or Code N for Leave of Absence. We recommend not using Code K or putting any comments in the comment box, since that will slow the processing time of the ROE.
3) I am struggling to meet some of my obligations (rent, suppliers, etc), can I postpone these payments?
Look at your contract or lease to see if there is a clause regarding extreme circumstances
If there is nothing in the contract, you can try and negotiate an agreement to reduce or delay your payment.
Look carefully at your finances, so you know exactly what you can afford before you speak with your landlord/a supplier. If they permit you to reduce payments, you want to be sure it is an amount you can comfortably afford
Speak with your commercial insurance provider. You may be entitled to business interruption insurance payments
Speak with your bank, credit union, BDC, EDC or other loan provider for some relief