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Say no to Internet price hikes

Innovation, Science and Industry Minister Navdeep Bains chose big telecom over Canadians -- plain and simple.

As a result, Canadian consumers are paying higher Internet prices.

The Federal Cabinet believes that the CRTC's thorough 6-year calculation of Internet rates wholesale competitors pay to the large telecoms don't always "strike a balance" between investment and the wholesale regime.

Simply put, that is wrong. Those rates are a correction of years of overcharging by the big telecom companies. And they do strike a balance -- a balance between an investment in Canadian consumers and service-based competition. 

But affordable rates you pay are now in jeopardy and competition in the industry is on the endangered species list.

It's time to speak up and tell Minister Bains and his Cabinet colleagues they are wrong. It's time to fight for what you deserve -- affordable Internet. Canadians deserve better.





Speak up. Tell Minister Bains he is wrong.

Affordable Internet should not be a luxury. 

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